Exception in Oracle

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Exception Handling:-
PL/SQL provides a features to handle the exceptions which occurs in a PL/SQL block known as exception handling using exception handling we can test the code and avoid it from exiting abruptly It’s is called Exception handling.
When an exception occurs a messages which explain its cause is received PL/SQL exception massage consists of two parts.

Types of exception
1) System exception
2) User-defined exception

         When exceptionname then
                 --code to handle exception.

1) System Exception:

==> System Exception can be further divided into two parts:
1. Named exceptions
2. Numbered exceptions

1) Named exception:
==> Particular name given to some common system exceptions is known as Named Exceptions.
==> Named system exceptions are exceptions that have been given names by PL/SQL. They are named in the STANDARD package in PL/SQL and do not need to be defined by the programmer.
==> Oracle has defined 15 to 20 named exception.

Some of the named exceptions are listed in below table:
Exception Description
INVALID_NUMBERTO_NUMBER function failed in converting string to number
NO_DATA_FOUNDSELECT…INTO statement couldn’t find data
ZERO_DIVIDEDivide by zero error occured
TOO_MANY_ROWSSELECT_INTO statement found more than one record
LOGIN_DENIEDInvalid username or password found while logging
NOT_LOGGED_ONStatements tried to execute without logging
INVALID_CURSORA cursor is attempted to use which is not open
PROGRAM_ERRORPl/SQL found internal problem
DUP_VAL_ON_INDEXDuplicate value found in column defined as unique or primary key
VALUE_ERRORError occurred during conversion of data
OTHERStands for all other exceptions

2) Numbered exception
==> This exception are identified by using negative signed numbered.
==> This are in build exceptions.
==> A Numbered exception is raised automatically if your PL/SQL program violates an Oracle rule or exceeds a system-dependent limit.
==> You can use the pragma EXCEPTION_INIT to associate exception names with other Oracle error codes that you can anticipate.Within this handler, you can call the functions SQLCODE and SQLERRM to return the Oracle error code and message text. Once you know the error code, you can use it with pragma EXCEPTION_INIT and write a handler specifically for that error.

To understand named exception we design pl/sql program as shown below in notepad with .sql extension.

We are using student table as shown below:
Student Table

Student Table

Here we are displaying 'name' and 'city' of student as per 'id' entered by user,using student table and if data of that student is not found we will display our own message using exception block.

Named Exception

Named Exception Named Exception

Now, We run the file using CMD to get output.

First of all open the CMD and go to drive where you save the file using following command.

Open CMD

Now type the "SQLPLUS" and Write username and password to open sql in the folder where you saved.


Now write "SET SERVEROUTPUT ON" to display the output without this output of program is unseen.


To execute the program you need to write @filename.sql

If the data of student is available in the table the output will be as shown below.

Data available

If the data of student is not available in the table the output will be as shown below.

Data not available

2) User-defined exception:
==> User also can define their own exception are known as user define exception.
==> These exceptions are used to validate business rules like balance for any account should not be negative value.

Syntax for exception declaration:
                 exceptionName EXCEPTION;

syntax for exception raised:
                 RAISE exceptionname;

To understand User-defined exception we design pl/sql program as shown below in notepad with .sql extension.

User-defined exception

User-defined exception User-defined exception

After this we follow same steps as we follow above to run program.

If the data of student is available in the table the output will be as shown below.

Data available

If the data of student is not available in the table the output will be as shown below.

Data not available

If the ID of student is less than zero then output will be as shown below.

ID greater than zero

I hope this article will help you