Character Functions in oracle

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Character Functions: - These functions are works on string data types. To store string value in tables of column we use varchar2(n) datatype in oracle.

To study these functions we take “product” table as example.

Selecting product table

Use of LENGTH function

They are divided as below:

1. LENGTH:- This function returns length of any string value or column with varchar datatype passed as argument.


In above syntax “str” is any string value or column with varchar datatype.

Use of LENGTH function

Use of LENGTH function

2. LOWER:- This function converts any string value or column with varchar datatype passed as argument into lower case.


In above syntax “str” is any string value or column with varchar datatype.

Use of LOWER function

Use of LOWER function

3. UPPER:- This function converts any string value or column with varchar datatype passed as argument into upper case.


In above syntax “str” is any string value or column with varchar datatype.

Use of UPPER function

Use of UPPER function

4. INITCAP:- This function returns any string value or column with varchar datatype passed as argument with the first letter of each word in upper case.


In above syntax “str” is any string value or column with varchar datatype.

Use of INITCAP function

Use of INITCAP function

5. SUBSTR:- This function returns part of any string value or column with varchar datatype passed as argument.


In above syntax “str” is any string value or column with varchar datatype, “pos” is starting position for extracting string from “str” and “length” is number of character to extract from “str”.

Use of SUBSTR function

Use of SUBSTR function

6. LPAD:- This function returns string value or column with varchar datatype passed in argument with other string padded on left side passed as third argument.

LPAD(str 1,n,str 2)

In above syntax “str 1” is any string value or column with varchar datatype, “n” total length of string after padding and “str 2” is string used for padding “str 1”.

Use of LPAD function

Use of LPAD function

7. RPAD:- This function returns string value or column with varchar datatype passed in argument with other string padded on right side passed as third argument.

RPAD(str 1,n,str 2)

In above syntax “str 1” is any string value or column with varchar datatype, “n” total length of string after padding and “str 2” is string used for padding “str 1”.

Use of RPAD function

Use of RPAD function

8. LTRIM:- This function removes a set of string value from left side of string value or column with varchar datatype passed as argument.


In above syntax “str” is any string value or column with varchar datatype, “set” is string to be removed from “str”.

Use of LTRIM function

Use of LTRIM function

9. RTRIM:- This function removes a set of string value from right side of string value or column with varchar datatype passed as argument.


In above syntax “str” is any string value or column with varchar datatype, “set” is string to be removed from “str”.

Use of RTRIM function

Use of RTRIM function

10. TRANSLATE:- This function translates set of string with another set of string from string value or column with varchar datatype passed as argument.

TRANSLATE(str,from set,to set)

In above syntax “str” is any string value or column with varchar datatype, “from set” is string to be translate or remove with “to set” from “str”.

Use of TRANSLATE function

Use of TRANSLATE function

11. REPLACE:- This function is similar to translate function but it works on string rather than set of character.

REPLACE(str,from set,to set)

In above syntax “str” is any string value or column with varchar datatype, “from set” is string to be replace or remove with “to set” from “str”.

Use of REPLACE function

Use of REPLACE function

12. ASCII:- This function returns ascii value of any character and if we pass any string value or column with varchar datatype passed as argument then we get ascii value of first character of string.


In above syntax “char” is any character.

Use of ASCII function

Use of ASCII function

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