TCL Commands in Oracle
COMMIT command
COMMIT command is used to permanently save any transaction into the database.
When we use any DML command like INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE, the changes made by these commands are not permanent, until the current session is closed, the changes made by these commands can be rolled back.
To avoid that, we use the COMMIT command to mark the changes as permanent.
SAVEPOINT command is used to temporarily save a transaction so that you can rollback to that point whenever required.
In short, using this command we can name the different states of our data in any table and then rollback to that state using the ROLLBACK command whenever required.
Savepoint savepoint_name;
ROLLBACK command
This command restores the database to last commited state. It is also used with SAVEPOINT command to jump to a savepoint in an ongoing transaction.
If we have used the UPDATE command to make some changes into the database, and realise that those changes were not required, then we can use the ROLLBACK command to rollback those changes, if they were not commited using the COMMIT command.
Rollback to savepoint_name;
Let us understand this command with example
Selecting student table
Deleting one row
Selecting student table
Use of commit command
Selecting student table
Use of Rollback command
Selecting student table
NOTE: - Here it is important to note that if we fired COMMIT command then ROLLBACK command will show changes till last COMMIT command. In our example student table has no effect of ROLLBACK command.
Updating one row in student table
Selecting student table
Updating another row in student table
Selecting student table
Use of Rollback command
Selecting student table
NOTE:- ROLLBACK undo all changes till last COMMIT command. In our example two updates command undo and we get student table with previous data.But in situation when we want undo only one update command data?
Then we can use SAVEPOINT command as shown below.
Updating one row in student table
Selecting student table
Use of Savepoint command
Updating another row in student table
Selecting student table
Selecting student table
NOTE:- Here it is noticed that only ONE update command changes undo and we get solution of question raised above.
I hope this article will help you.