Logical Tables in MS SQL
Use of logical tables
Basically, logical tables are used by triggers for the following purpose:
1. To test data manipulation errors and take suitable actions based on the errors.
2. To find the difference between the state of a table before and after the data modification and take actions based on that difference.
Inserted logical Table
The Inserted table holds the recently inserted or updated values means new data values. Hence newly added and updated records are inserted into the Inserted table.
Suppose we have Employee table as below.
Now We need to create two triggers to see data with in logical tables Inserted and Deleted.
ON Employee
SELECT * FROM INSERTED -- show data in Inserted logical table
SELECT * FROM DELETED -- show data in Deleted logical table
When we execute this trigger we get the following output as below
Now insert a new record in Employee table to see data with in Inserted logical table and we also select the table data to see the changes.
INSERT INTO Employee(EmpID, Name, Salary) VALUES(3,'Avin',23000)
SELECT * FROM Employee
Deleted logical Table
The Deleted table holds the recently deleted or updated values means old data values. Hence old updated and deleted records are inserted into the Deleted table.
ON Employee
SELECT * FROM INSERTED -- show data in INSERTED logical table
SELECT * FROM DELETED -- show data in DELETED logical table
Now update the record in Employee table to see data with in Inserted and Deleted logical tables and we also select the table data to see the changes.
Update Employee set Salary=43000 where EmpID=3
SELECT * FROM Employee
We could not create the logical tables or modify the data with in the logical tables. Except triggers, When you use the OUTPUT clause in your query, logical tables are automatically created and managed by SQL Server. OUTPUT clause also has access to Inserted and Deleted logical tables just like triggers.
I hope this article will help you.