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Computer Maintenance And Trouble Shooting

Unit 1 - Inside the PC: Core Components Unit 1 - Introduction Unit 1 - Components of System Unit Unit 1 - Types of Computers Unit 1 - Types of Ports Part 1 Unit 1 - Types of Ports Part 2 Unit 1 - MotherBoard Unit 1 - CPU Unit 1 - Expansion Bus Unit 1 - System Memory

Database Management System

Introduction to DBMS Data Storage (File Oriented System) Data Storage (Database Management System) Data Hierarchy,Metadata,System Catalog Data Dictionary,Data Warehouse Database System Environment,Database Administrator Schema,Sub schema,Instance CREATE and DESC Command DATE Conversion function ALTER Command DROP and RENAME Command

Operating System

Introduction to Operating System Services of Operating System Evaluation of Operating System in hindi Batch operating system in hindi Directory related Linux commands File Related Linux Command Part 1 File Related Linux Command Part 2

Computer Network and Security

Threat to Security Steps in Attack and Security Basics Types of Attack (Active and Passive Attack) Dos, DDos, Backdoor, Sniffing Spoofing, Man in the Middle, TCP/IP hacking, Phishing SQL Injection, Malicious Codes Password Selection Caesar Cipher Caesar Cipher Encryption Practical Caesar Cipher Decryption Practical Playfair cipher Playfair Cipher C Implementation Hill Cipher Vigenere Cipher One Time Pad Vernam Cipher Rail Fence Stegnography Hashing SHA 1 Various windows network command

Java Programming

Introduction of JAVA POP vs OOP OOPs Concepts JVM and Hello World Program Prime Number Program

Advance Database Management System

Advanced SQL Synonym and Sequence Index Views PL/SQL PLSQL Basic,Datatypes and Advantages How to run PLSQL file Iterative controls Procedure and Function Cursor Triggers Package Exception Practicals Synonym Sequence Index Views Hello World and Variable Declaration Even or Odd number Exception Handling Cursor Procedure and Functions

Computer Organisation and Architecture

Memory Organisation IO INTERFACE Virtual Memory Set Associative Mapping Direct Mapping Part 1 Direct Mapping Part 2 Associative Mapping Overview of computers and basics of digital electronics Block diagram of digital computer Logic gatesAND,OR,NOT Logic gates NAND,NOR,EX OR,X NOR Shift registers Register tranfer language Bus transfer using multiplexer Bus transfer using three state buffer Memory transfer

Data Structure

Basic Concepts of Data Structures Introduction Basics of Data Structure Algorithms Analysis of an Algorithm Basics of Array Array Traverse Operation Array Insert Operation Array Delete Operation Sequential Search Algorithm Binary Search Algorithm String Basics String Operations Part 1 String Operations Part 2

Programming in C++

Principles of Object Oriented Programming Differentiate procedure and object oriented languages Explain the general structure of C++ Language List different data types available in C++ Inititalize Data using variables and develop simple C++ programs Differentiate various operators Part 1 Differentiate various operators Part 2 Functions in C++ and Working with objects Functions and Working With Object Constructor and Destructor Define constructor and destructor Develop program using constructor and destructor Part 1 Develop program using constructor and destructor Part 2 Inheritance Define Inheritance List the applications of inheritance, types of inheritance and develop programs using single, multilevel and multiple inheritance part 1 List the applications of inheritance, types of inheritance and develop programs using single, multilevel and multiple inheritance part 2 List the applications of inheritance, types of inheritance and develop p